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I'm curious too about the kohaku thingy especially the case what type of standard one artist need to get in list of that event. I'm just guessing that the artists/groups that get to involve in Kohaku must be get some kind of approval by the entertainment there...well, Kohaku likely tend to leave controversy more with its hype. It made you wondering what is the meaning of the event actually is.

Sorry, Totwi-chan for not commenting here as I used to, but I do read yours when I got the times :D I hope you keep writing stuff like this tho. It always nice to see what others thinking about matters revolving Arashi or not other than just plainly flailing. Yeahh, don't let people's opinion get you, just write whatever you think of :DDDDb


hey fitrin chan !! SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY <333 i know..i am really curious too ! these are all my thoughts though...not the constructive truth ...but kouhaku is so complex...i think with it being a government runned channel might also mean politics involved...and not just power/money..well we never know :D hahaha

AND PLEASE DONT SAY SORRY....i should be thanking you for commenting !!! SO THANK YOU !
..its just that sometimes i just want to know if what i am saying makes sense ^^...or if i somehow or other step on other ppl's toes...which i tend to sometimes...sigh...<33....thanks so much dear !!! <333 GANBARIMASUUU !!!hope you are having a great week !

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