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hi.you dont know me, but i think youve seen me around, leaving comments to fans? yes? haha./ anywayz,. i love it when you babble. just saying.. :D

anywayz, i think part of the fandom left because of what happened to vox, some blogs i used to love but then lost contact when vox disappeared, and yes some left the fandom already,

ive been attracted to differect artists since ive known then but somehow i always ALWAys get back to my home. that is arashi. theres this homey feeling when i watch them. some fans are super young so i cant say that they can stay focused to one group, some gets too busy.. and i know how you feel when people you love to chat are no longer much into them. some changed their priorities, and it saddens me as well. i dont want to thhink when will i graduate from this fandom, just what nino say.. evrtytime.. enjoy it while it lasts? without thinking of the end. ^^ maybe i should blog something about this. i miss blogging. ^^ will write one. thanks for the inspiration. haha.


Eee, do you mean, they move from Arashi to other singers/groups/idol?
Maa, maaa, can't be help ne.

Me myself, though its just my first year to stalk them, I think I will stalk them forever XDDD.
Not coz anything, I will still watch n look some others performers, but the one that I will DL all their activities is Arashi deshou yo XDD.
Coz for me, their existence have changed into a healing pil XD. They can make me smile brighter, laugh louder, love this life even more, and they also can make me to worry about some 5 guys living far far away from my place here, to worry if they are sick or not if they get enough sleep or rest. Isn't that crazy? I'm not even that worry with my country's singer/idol/whatever XDDDD.

Maybe, they just found some groups/others that they consider have something greater than Arashi. Can't be help ne.
I know how you felt, though we're not that close, and just communicating by replying/commenting some posts, still when I saw their page to be filled by rambles toher than Arashi, it makes me '.......eee....E?'
And, it makes me a bit lazy in reading their posts....XDDDDDD Is it allright? my way of feeling........Ah, but it'll go away if I just read theirs post about their RL, not the new idol...XDDDDDDD


you and me feel the same, but somehow i've come to accept that. Yeah it's harder to find con reports now than it was before, but I guess we are in a phase right now. One that all fans go through. Some will stay, some will go but will never forget. So let's enjoy them while we have the opportunity to.


@nurikocam chan: hey girl, YEAP i have seen you leaving comments around and i really appreciate it <3..

i know ne...once vox closed down..it was really hard to keep track of people..really hard to keep track of the fandom once the network that held ppl together broke down.T_T...sigh..
thanks so much for understanding my feelings <3 ^_^
yeap some maybe still to young...and some just move on i guess ^_^
YE:D you should start blogging :D and really thank you for reading my rambling XD>...


@yuui chan: hey girlie XD, i know ..some things really cant be helped..it is sad..but i guess everyone like you said has their own preferences and they will follow it.. thanks so much for understanding ^_^

yeap...when you see ex fans fan over others...i dont know..i guess because many of these fan blogs brought me to the arashi...seeing them leave arashi is just...i dont know...sad for me i guess....but like you said...i too read their RL stuff just to know how they are doing though i might personally know them..

i guess life just goes on ^^

THanks so much for commenting and reading my rambling ~~.


@nimby chan : thanks dear voxy friend <3 thanks for sticking around to read my ramblings and still wanting to keep in touch <3 really ^_^

*sniff Sniff* i know T_T...must reallu treasure all the arashi fans i meet cause we really could be just two ships passing in the night...

so thanks dear for still being here ^______^ <3 really REALLY appreciate it *huggs*


Hope you don't mind me dropping in.

People moving on is a natural phase be it for any fandom. Some people get sucked in quick and they leave quick, some get sucked in and never get out. Others just tapped the surface without really delving in.

I guess in Arashi's case, our attachment to them feels more intimate than most of my previous fandoms so when someone we know leaves, we feel hurt or even slightly betrayed even though logically, we know it's their choice, their life, a change in preference, things happen that we can't foresee etc.

I applaud people who can move on totally. They are stronger than most who hang on "just because". But it still doesn't stop the pang in the heart :P

I may not be a fan of Arashi since Jr times (heck! i didn't even know japanese then) but I have been around 6 years. Some of the fans I know - it is not the boys but what's been happening that makes them feel further away from them now than they ever did a few years ago. Even though our boys try their best to reach out to us fans even more, there is a gap that they just can't cross with their current popularity.

Will I continue to be here as a fan next year? Probably, hopefully.

Will I move on? Eventually.

Do I have a problem with how the management treats them like never-ending single releases? Most definitely but I also know behind it, our boys are doing their best to "protect" their fans' interest.

For now, I am still in love with the boys, their efforts and taking each day at a time to enjoy their presence.


Hi Dunadan ( interesting name btw ) ^_^ thank you for the really meaningful comment T_T <3 and seriously i dont mind you dropping in at all ^_^ should thank you instead :D. yeap so thank you once again.

oh i have seen and read your blog before since voxy :D and you are a WAYYYYY longer arashi fan than me :D ok i read your voxy a bit after i think you closed? or more like er..whats that word..er...like controlled the viewing by ppl :D..i entered the fandom late XD.

thank you so much for understanding my feelings..thats excalty what i mean..i know that ppl have every right to move on..everything is a personal choice..but i dont know why i get sad..and yeap i guess its really because many of these bloggers were those that brought me to arashi..so just like arashi holds a special place in my heart so do these other bloggers...T_T..thank you ....excalty..its that "pang" that i just cant explain...i dont know how..T_T...so thank you really for understanding..^_^<3

its ironic isnt it..how the more increasingly popular they become..some feel further away..

i really love you for seperating the guys from the management....cause there are ALOT of fans recently(mostly the touch and go new fans..not all but quite a number) who don't do that and blame arashi for everything...it irritates the CRAP out of me..i too am getting irritated with the management...hopefullly the management choice in kouhaku representation will not push me to hate JnA...will see..

hiaz...me too...the older you get..ahha who knows what the future holds right....but like you said...what makes them always special will be that arashi still does their best for the fans...and they wont let us down if they can...<3...

YOSH ganbarimasu :DDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and thank you once again for the comment ^_^ really did not know you knew about my bloggy O_O..本当にびっくりしたXD...でもありがとうね


hello there..sorry for not commenting on ur blogs for a loooonggg time T___T, i feel bad :(
abt ur thoughts..i'm pretty much feel the same,some of my Arashi friends or should i say A LOT moved to another fandom..not that i'm complaining,but sometimes i feel a wee bit lonely,haha..it sucks i know! but i dont want to force them tho to come back to Arashi..heck,who am i??!
so now i'm just enjoying Arashi alone sometimes,it doesnt tt bad exactly..hehehe
ohh..and abt the lack of con reports,why dont u try livejournal? they hv a lot of sources anyway :D
enjoy ur sunday!! :)


Hi, yeah, you don't know me but just thought I'd comment.

I understand where you're coming from, but for me it happened with a real-life friend and at the time I was just completely shocked and didn't know what to say. (We're still best friends of course, even if all she does is gush about K-Pop now xD). I asked her one day, why she stopped being interested in J-Ent and she just said "One day I heard so-and-so's voice and fell in love with it" and I remember just feeling shocked. Like. Didn't you LOVE NewS? what happened? How can you just suddenly... drop out like that?

but... when I thought about it. I guess it really is like 'falling in love' xD (I know, cliche). When you first like someone you REALLY like them, and then eventually it levels off to a sort of "even level" and for some people it stays that way. You will just continue loving them, and then for others that love will just fade one day and then you'll move on. It's nothing you can really control. And it's sad but hey, a lot of things are sad :P And there are still those people in fandom that DO stay. ^^ So yay for them.

but yeah. Fans come and go. Sad but inevitable. I can see myself loving Arashi for a long time, even if i'm not agreeing with what is happening to them now (JOHNNY'S!!), but who knows right? I think it's more sad if you don't like something anymore and keep holding on "just because" :(

and I'm sure even when people "move away" from a certain fandom they still like it somewhere deep down. It's kind of like how you love things when you're 5 and then you "grow up" but even as you get older, when you see that thing again you get that warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest :P (that's like me and Pokemon, hehe).


you may not remember me dunadan-neesan...but you're one of the people i have been following since vox but anyhow... i do understand where you're coming from...

we will all have our reasons for staying or movin' on to other things..but that's just how life is ne? the only thing constant is change itself... i will keep following you nevertheless ^_^


@arumiko chan : so sorry dear for the late reply ^_^ been pretty busy..ok thats not an excuse but thank you so much for commenting !!! no its ok <3 dont have to comment..i was just randomly thinking how typepad can be confusing to me.. XD...hope you are doing fine ne....i know sometimes i want to be alone too but yeap it does get lonely when ppl move away but un ! thats life i guess :DD !!

I DID :D thANK YOU SO MUCH <3333 YEY For con reports :D


@griffenhawk : THANK YOU SO MUCH <33333333 T_T i feel so much better that i know that many others understand and know how i feel sometimes T_T....i hate the feeling....and i know everything is our own choice....YOSH !! i must put in more effort to let things be ^_^<3...like you said...
Sad but inevitable...and i totally get your warm fuzzy feeling <33333333333333 thank you so much <33 for the lovely comment !! really appreciate it so much that you wrote so much !!! and i really truly apologize for this late reply <333


@vampyrrep : thanks for the commenty<3 so sorry for the late reply..but yup totally get what you mean...change is the only constant....just gotta get used to it being in reality XD>..ahhaha YOSH I WILL WORK HARD O_O !!!...ahah
thankies <3

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