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Agreed so much. I'd watched utaban even before into Arashi and it is so true, the atmosphere is REALLY different. I used to watch NEWS and K8 guesting in it and it was like the usual talk, still entertaining but more than that Taka-san or Nakai took over the whole show. I know Taka-san like Arashi so much. I forever love how he or Nakai always try forced them to demo the dance of A.RA.SHI. And the namida chorori part lmao xDDD I think it's such privillage of him to actually remember one of their song <333 Goshhh I hope we can see them interact again some day on screen. I do hope it not just vtr. But if they will show us the past history with arashi in vtr I still quite pleased with it. OMG TOTWI-CHAN!! I LOVE YOUR POST TOPIC LIKE THIS. And your other posts too. I learn much from them :DDDD


Hi, Totwi-chan! As always, I loved reading all your entries. And I can't help but nod head, agreeing to everything that you say. When it comes to Rida, I feel like there's this "protectiveness" that emanates or comes out from anyone who meets him. Many people would like to take care of him, to hug him, to cuddle him or to simply hold him. There's a certain magic about him that makes people want to do that including us. Because I remember discussing this with friends before. With Rida and Aiba, you feel the need to protect them. It's like your motherly instincts come out. ^___^

Sorry for my long comment! The weekend is here. Enjoy it to the fullest!

INXS: Please wait for my email! Sorry tons of stuff to do still.


To-channnnnnn TT
Hik hik hik hik

I just read the news. Not sure if it's true or not. But, since it's from yama-chan, should be true.

When I read your post, actually I thought, "oh, you knew, so made this commemoration post".


OKay. Now, I really wanna talk about this show n the 2 hosts more than anything >_<


@yuuichan : *HUGGLES*...dont cry T_T <333....no just found out today to through yamakaze...but i guess its true...i kinda suspected it would not go for long actually cause the ratings were terrible even after they converted the format from utaban->tokuban->musical hour...it just didnt work out...so sigh...i kinda suspected that it will end its run soon...just did not know it would be so sudden...i guess thats why they are going to have that 3 hour special thing...it sucks..utaban has been on for so long..but i guess the ratings pushed it to take a kick out of the program line up...oh well...T_T..
dont be sad though...we will see what happens after this..maybe they will be given a different show ? another remake ? i dont know ne..but we will know on the day...T_T..it sucks...yup....
dont worry just say anything you want on this blog post ^_^ <3 dont worry ne...i am sure things will work out for that program or what it may become ..^_^ <3


@fitrin chan: hey dear <3 I KNOW RIGHT:D i really REALLY got to love arashi esp after utaban...i was like aw man i love this group and the atmosphere that they create :D haha and yes i watched the other JnA groups too but they dot really come close to what we see when arashi is on the show :D DESHO :D its so awesome that taka san actually remembers their songs XD...ahaah XD i know ne...i ...hope they do appear T_T..since arashiX utaban= epic :D haha !!! awwwwwwwwwww thanks fitrin chan*blushes* =^-^=.....i just make these random posties...and ramble along xD...just to remind myself that there is more to arashi then them doing well economically..that they are awesome in themselves and not that they are awesome because they sell well ^____^ <3 thanks dear <333


@hey dear Maan chan <3:ahhh *blushie*thank you so much ne T_T <333 even though my post is really about me rambling ;D<333 thank you for reading and commenting even though you are really busy <333 ganbatte with work ne <333

oh gosh yes the need to protect them right ? esp aiba chan and ohchan. yup this X factor that they have which makes you want to just ..hmm how do you say..YES YES WANT TO MOTHER THEM :DD yeap you said it ! you really feel like a mother to them even though you maybe younger than them :D yey thats so cool that your friends think so too :DD and i am sure the guys(arashi) themselves want to protect them :D i remember jun kun said once that if there is someone he wants to protect it would definitely be ohchan :D and you really do see that arashi chan also make sures that nobody but them gets full allowance to bully him XD>..ahhah protective over their leader is just pure love <3333333 :DDDDDD

hope you are doing well ne !! take care and have a WONDERFUL AWESOME weekend :D
p.s will await your mail :D please take your time :D ^_____^


Never mind Nakai for a while XDDDD

Ishibashii Taka ^ ^ he went to Arashi con? Which one? With his family? Do he has children?
Aaa.....I love Honami Suzuki [clearly in total shock when I knew about her n him O_O he3x]. Ne, totwi, tell us more about his family XDDDD . Gomen, many question keep poping out XDDD
Aside that. I know he like Arashi hi3x [who wouldn't? Especially Ohchan ^^, who can resit him], but to the point of taking his family to see the concert, is something ne. His relation with Arashi, is just like Ogu-san ^^

And I like how you write Arashi attitude in Utaban. Can't say anymore than what I've been read above ^ ^. All are sooooo true ^v^
Ohchan, though he always tried to go along with Taka-san, but he had his opinion n thinking after all. Remember, when he made a fun of Sho-kun's fan [when Sho-kun told to shake hand with her? The last ep when they went there ka na], Ohno-kun even told him not to do it XDD, and Arashi as one with their riidaa just went along with the teasing to Taka XDDD XDD Omoishiroi

OKay. Onto Nakai XDDD a bit XDDD well, more to Utaban. But, did Nakai really bring that whole NakaiXOhno when with the other guests too? XDDD
Only watched Utaban-Arashi ep, and one time with News n Kattun [even that coz they mentioned Nino n MatsuJun :P ]. But, ....... when it's over I only managed to say to my sister, "That's it? Only that? Tell me, where's the interesting part? Maybe I missed it". And my sister just laughed. Said like "well, ...well....that's that", and she used to be News's fan XDD, but now..a total Arashian [she's the fault to introduce me to this GoNin ..yay]. So, YES, Totally boring. At that time, I only thought, maybe I'm too biased. Too subjective coz I only watch Arashi's.
But, then I read yours opinion n others too. Aaa....so.....that's that. Almost the same with MS. There's this ep after Arashi's To Be Free, there's SMAP, HSJ, YUI, Breakerz, Becky, n who else there WaT?...... I forgot but, kiroii-san wrote about this [ka na?}....hmm.....Well, it's not that memorable, so...he3x. Totally BORING. No fun conversation going on there...>_< Why?? I love SMAP, YUI [well, she's YUI the quiet, Breakerz {Daigoooo why the silent??], Becky too...... Like she said, star-studded show. but, turned out as a silent-boring-star-studded show >_<
And, some ep, I watch KT or News ka? When they talked with Tamori-san, maybe they just run out of scripted-topic, and the signal to perform hadn't come, so...just...shiinnnggggg. Aaa......can't watch it.

That's why, I really am happy to read when Arashi's guested on music/variety show and the rating also goes well. It's another proof for their mark as national idol ne.
Music Lovers. Their is the highest.
Music Station. Always when Arashi went there, the rating went ....Zoooomm UP ha3x.
Sooo....subjective here.....dakara so glad, the rating is here as the proof fufufufu
E, this turned into somethig else XDDD Gomen ^ ^


to fitrin: OMG yes. Almost forgot. That batsu A RA SHI game XDDDDDD
How many times did those 2 make Arashi sing A RA SHI??? XDDD One time, in one night they did it for 3/4 times [concert, encore n then Utaban] XDDDD

Taka-san even went as far told Nino to do it in his Tunnel show XDDD Even though Nino was not lose n yet still had to the batsu game XDDD. And when Sho-kun n jun-kun went there, they made them did a Arashi tech-colaboration....XDDD So, it's narrow down to Ohchan n Aiba-chan XDDD [Jun even said he'll warn themXDDD] Totally, laughing there XDDDDD


Remember one thing about the song. Taka's one of fave: Beautiful Days.
Jun was saying, even the newspaper/magz wrote their lyrics, as chorori. Coz Taka-san kept saying it XDDDDD To me it's really hilarious.

To-chan gomen....I'm spamming your coment box XDDDD


hey Yuui chan <3 :D so sorry i replied so late T_T..fell sick after i went for dinner.....food issues... and dont worry about spamming ;D <3 heheh i love your comments :D very fun to read your thoughts ^____^ <3...ok let me look through..

ok i think taka san went to last year's con with his family..this year i think only him.

and nope i think this fight thing is seriously only in arashi XD>.as in this format...of taka X ohno X nakai X 4arashi ...

oh yes and i saw that ep T_T...on MS..with SMAP san and the rest..and gosh yup boring to me too T_T...it was how do you say..very quiet and not very funny...i dont know why ppl were not talkig O_O...

i know i think thats what makes them special...arashi chan has the ability to appear on shows are really be proactive in making the conversations flow and really make it interesting :D !!! the best part is that they get everybody involved :D which is so awesome XD ehhehe

ahhaha yes i heard about that beautiful days too :D ahhaha fun ne :D !!!

thanks so much for your comments ne :D so sorry its so late...still recovering >_< <333


It's okay ^ ^ I also having some i-net issue >_<

Hope you're okay.
Get well n rest yo ^ ^

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